On 30th November, 11 youth councillors, with two staff, attended the UK Youth Parliament Regional Conference in London. This involved hearing from politicians from the Liberal Democrat and Labour Parties about their views on transport, health and community. Then, as youth councillors, alongside peers from all over London, south, and east of England, we got involved in our campaigns in a fictional town called Forgeford, where the councillor was cutting funding for young people! We had a lot to say about that!
We also attended a consultation at Mary Seacole Housing Association, where we learned about a new project and shared our views—as well as some pizza! We can’t wait to announce this project next year!
On 9th December, many youth councillors attended the Schools Council Conference at the University of Bedfordshire, with the Chair, Shifa, and Amish forming part of the panel. The event was all about Luton’s 2040 Vision and how well Luton is doing so far.
We are also continuing to develop ideas around our campaign areas, with campaign leaders meeting with local organisations, ensuring good partnership work with the community.
We will see you in the new year with more updates and more work ensuring the voice of young people in Luton is heard!